The zip code 63129 is located in county Missouri. There are approximately 52,718 people living in zip code 63129. They make up households. The average income per household in the 63129 zip code is $69,409. The median age of the residents is 42 years old (which is 41 years old for males and 44 years old for females).
Mississippi River Trail at Cliff Cave County Park Link
Cliff Cave County Park in Oakville MO Link
Historic Landmark-Eugene Nims House, "Bee Tree Farm", built 1929, Oakville MO Link
Bee Tree County Park Link
South County Center Link
South County Center Link
Oakville Senior High School Link
Cliff Cave County Park Link
Playground at Bee Tree County Park Link
Oakville Senior High School Link
Cliff Cave County Park Link
Lake at Bee Tree County Park in Oakville MO Link
South County Center Link
The fountain at Nims Mansion in Bee Tree County Park Link
South County Center Link
Bee Tree Park, Cliff Cave Branch-St Louis County Library, Cliff Cave County Park, Keller Plaza Cine 8, Nims Mansion, Oakville Missouri, Oakville Senior High School, Regency Beauty Institute, Sherwood Country Club, South County Center, US Post Office-South County Branch, US Post Office-South County Postal Store,